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Reese Frank

Haythorn Land & Cattle Co.

Reese, a native of Centennial, Colorado, and a student at Chadron State College, is studying rangeland science and range livestock. Reese is interning at Haythorn Land & Cattle Co. near Arthur this summer.

Reese's decision to complete a Sandhills Ranch Internship is driven by his desire to gain comprehensive knowledge about all aspects of managing a working ranch. He is particularly interested in developing his stockmanship and horsemanship skills and learning how to manage the land effectively without overusing resources. He also looks forward to the opportunity to forge new connections and build lasting friendships.

Reese's passion for the ranching industry is evident. He is eager to gain more knowledge through this internship opportunity, particularly in cow/calf operations and beef production. "I'm most excited to learn more aspects of managing a successful ranch while improving my stockmanship and horsemanship," Reese shares. In his free time, Reese enjoys being outdoors, hunting, and fishing. He also enjoys metalwork and building spurs.


What has been most rewarding? 

The most rewarding part of my internship is when I’ve gotten something done and done a good job. And being told you did a good job on that or did that right. That’s pretty rewarding.

Brandings were a lot of work but a good time and probably my favorite part of the internship.

What have you grown to appreciate about the Sandhills? 

The people. There are a lot of good people here. I also appreciate the diversity of operations, like how you can go down the road and how they run their cows differently.

Have you had any struggles? 

Not a lot has come naturally to me, so I have to work a little harder, but it's been good, and I've learned a lot. The biggest challenge was starting off and just learning how they do things.

Future plans:  

Reese will return to Chadron State College this fall and complete his degree in Rangeland Science. His ultimate goal is to gain more experience in the field and eventually manage or run his own ranch operation.

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